Use this form to change your bank details or the way you pay your Council Tax to BCP Council
Providing all the information needed will help us complete the process quickly.
Please note: The payment method will be set for the current and any past balances on this account that have not incurred recovery action through the courts. Bills confirming the payment amounts and dates will be issued. Contact us if you are unable to meet the payments shown on the bill(s).
Data Protection
BCP Council is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and will manage the personal information collected on this form for the purposes of delivering its services to you.
Your information may be shared internally and with external partners purely for these purposes and will not be shared with any other organisations unless required to do so by law or for the purposes of prevention and detection of crime and/or fraud. We may contact you using the details you provide, in connection with this form and the information you supply.
Your personal information will only be retained for as long as is necessary and you may request a copy of the information we hold about you.
For more information about the data we hold and how it is used please see our Privacy Statement on our website.